Here is a car like ours
Our one doesn't have the body kits etc but its the same car
Our car is just a basic J model But very well appointed really
Has single CD rather than multi small things like this
I think they are called the Yaris car in some countries
They go very well for a 1500 cc car it has VVTI though this helps her get up go when
needed Plenty of room too its the smallest of the Toyota range but will seat 4 adults
very well Our Daughter Jenifer
sits in her car seat
happy as Larry Falls asleep at will
We went for a drive from Khon Kaen To Korat a couple of days ago 200 km down 200
km up plus driving while we were there all for about 1000 thb thats $32.70 Au
Got to be happy with that this day and age.
I have always liked small cars most of my cars have been small 4 cylinder cars & small cc
The Toyota Soarer was the biggest engine car I owned with the 4 ltr V8 Below that was
a Toyota Supra 2.7 straight 6, then many 4 cylinder cars and on 2 cylinder Fiat
Bambina Hahahhaha I could wipe the front window & rear at the same time when
fogged up. The Fiat was sold and Exported to Japan
But getting back to the Vios Great little car highly recommend them good sturdy
Toyota build and Quality.
Here in Thailand they are around 500,000 650.000thb this
is about $15,000 Au to $21,000 Good value for money
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