Mine was Morris 1100 very similar to this one
and not near as tidy, it was the same colour though
Those were my careless days
One night many years ago I was doing hand brake
turns when things went a little wrong it was wet
and the sliding was more fun
But I slid into the gutter slamming in sideways the whole car lurched up as if it was going to roll
over , But it didnt What it did do though was bent the Passenger side rear wheel It bent it so
the top of the wheel was out further & the Bottom of wheel was bent under the car the stub axle
was bent also the tyre
was Buggered my spare was a tyre that was buffed ready for retreading But it was round &
went on. I drove it home & the next day my Brother Trev welded a big long steel pipe on the old
rim we bolted it back onto the hub went to the end of the pipe and lifted it up to straighten the
Stub axle out . We didnt get it perfect but it was ok to drive again
A bush man fix but it worked You would never get away with that now
Nice Soarer Gary, I miss my old one too.
My first car was a company car - a Holden with the split windscreen . This was 1956 and I was a rep covering a large segment of NSW - it went from the Blue Mountains to Bourke - I averaged 95000 miles per year and I used to put my foot down - coming over the Blue Mountains , I was motoring along when a stone from the car in front , smashed the windscreen on my side - very very hairy because I could not see . Fortunately the passenger side was okay so I leant over till I came to a halt .
Wow thats a big mileage Bill
In those days the roads wouldn't had been so flash either
The first stretch , over the Blue Mountains , thru Bathurst , Orange to Dubbo was okay , beyond Dubbo up to Nyngan was fair but from there on it was just dirt - some sections had a concrete strip the width of one car but from Cobar to Bourke and Bourke to Coonabarabran was dirt with potholes so big that they had their own potholes . If you left somewhere early in the morning , you had a good chance of colliding with a big 'roo because they fed in the edge of the road and had a habit of jumping the wrong way .
Ok they used concrete on the roads ? I thought that was just an American thing
and where America has helped other countries
I always thought Aussie roads were Bitume or Tar seal
Just on that here a link http://www.ashpave.com.au/ashpave_answers_questions.html
All the driving I have done on Aussie roads was all done in WA & a little bit in NT a couple of weeks ago
Most people wouldn't even know about the roads you used to drive on Bill
Another little adventure I had concerned the lower area around Canberra . I used to run out from Canberra to the Snowy Mountains . It could get bl**dy cold and I only recently learned to drive . The roads were covered in ice & snow when I came to a sharp bend . I turned right , the wheels turned right , but the car went straight . I sailed over a small bush and landed in a small ice-covered pond . The ice cracked and slowly the car settled in the mud .
Fortunately it was only about a foot deep but I had to wade through it , climb back on to the road and then I walked a little way back down the road to flag down the next car to take me into town . I came back later with a mobile crane to lift the car back on to the road . I do not like Ice and Snow , thats why I live in the LOS
I had a similar thing happen to me in New Zealand
I was driving from Palmerston to Dunedin I think its about 75 km
It had been very foggy all the way then just before Dunedin the fog was gone I was doing 60kmph when I came out of the fog I hit black ice Then all of a sudden I was doing 60kmph back wards not much fun I hit the brakes but they did nothing
When I finally stopped I had nudged the bank on the side of the road and broke a taillight lens
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